Alternative therapiesChronic Pain

Bioelectrical Therapy

Bioelectrical Therapy Pain Relief

What does it mean to you when I say “Bio-electrical Therapy?”  Perhaps it conjures up images of “electro-shock therapy” or some slick marketing presentation by a scammer?  In the past you would have been right to have been wary of this form of therapy.

The fact is the use of electricity for chronic pain has been a curiosity for centuries.  Anecdotal reports of people being struck by lightning (surviving of course) and their chronic pain completely resolving are numerous. There have also been people with incurable cancers being struck by lightning and having complete resolution of their cancers.

Bioelectrical Therapy

After all, isn’t the human body electrical?  It is indeed, and it would make sense that electrical current could be applied in some therapeutic sense.  But how…how much…in what form?  The actual scientific studies had been few up to fairly recently.

Why so few studies?  Well now, I would have to be a prophet to answer that question. It isn’t a long stretch to think that the pharmaceutical industry may have had something to do with it.  To be fair, we have all benefited from the medicines that have been manufactured by that particular industry.

So the time has arrived, bio-electrical therapy is here.  I will be specifically talking to you about one form of bioelectrical therapy called Horizontal Therapy (HT).

What is Horizontal Therapy

It is a form of electrical therapy that triangulates cell membrane polarities horizontally and selectively stimulates an action potential.  The stimulation comes from using dual frequency electrical waves (one below the action potential threshold and one above it).  An action potential is a sudden shift of polarity across a cell membrane.

How Does Horizontal Therapy Work

All living human tissues utilize a bioelectric or biochemical energy based system.  Each system is effected by polar electric charges that open and close chemical receptors (a receptor is a designated “parking spot” for a chemical), stimulate depolarization (depolarization is where the membrane polarity shifts), and can open or close a cell membrane channel (like the gate in a castle wall).

What makes Horizontal Therapy (HT) unique from other electrical therapies is the ability to modulate frequency (how many waves pass over a spot in a period of time) and amplitude (how large the waves are) to treat certain disorders very specifically.  It is well known that “one size does not fit all” for therapies so that the ability to adjust the electrical wave in Horizontal Therapy makes it very useful in a variety of disorders.

Since healing utilizes multiple chemical messengers and cell types, Horizontal therapy can be used to augment this process also (such as the healing of fractured osteoporotic vertebrae). Furthermore, the muscle relaxation that is generated by HT not only relaxes voluntary muscle but also involuntary (such as found in large blood vessels).

What is Horizontal Therapy Good For

The following conditions have been shown to be benefited by HT.  Remember that HT works for some people and not others.  The reason for this is not exactly known but may be due to specific individual electrical frequency differences between human beings.

  • Migraine Headaches
  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
  • Acute and Chronic Back Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Tendonitis
  • Sciatica
  • Acute and Chronic Neck Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Hand Pain
  • Post-Surgical Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Acute and Chronic Elbow Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Shoulder Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Knee Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Ankle Pain
  • Neuropathic Pain

Are There Side Effects to Horizontal Therapy

Due to the electro-stimulatory effect of HT the following conditions are not recommended for HT use:

  • Pregnancy
  • Blood Clotting Disorders
  • People with electrical devices implanted or attached to them
  • People who have responded adversely to electro-therapy of a different type
  • People who have electrical field sensitivity
  • Poorly controlled epilepsy
Final Remarks

HT is a very low risk, effective treatment for a variety of pain disorders. The “electrical prescription” from person to person may differ substantially. This would mean that some degree of trial and error will be required to find the best frequency and amplitude for each person with each individual disorder.


I hope that you have found the information contained in this article useful. If you have further questions or comments please leave it below. I would love to hear from you,

Wishing you much joy and healing.

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